
Maple maze cleaner
Maple maze cleaner

(Here, the player gets the choice to either fight Bunbuku for the Fire Element or treat his wounds and ask for the Fire Element. Bunbuku immediately grew angry, claiming that the traveler was the same as the selfish humans who only wanted to take. The traveler apologized for what had happened and explained that they had only come for the Fire Element, not to attack the Raccoon Yokai.

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However, Bunbuku told the traveler that the humans were liars, as the Raccoon Yokai had always lived there, with the humans being the ones who had invaded their home and farmed their land. Bunbuku revealed that humans had attacked the Raccoon Yokai, beaten them, and carried them away, as they claimed that the Raccoon Yokai had ruined their fields. Bunbuku immediately hid upon seeing the traveler, who attempted to calm him down.

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The traveler soon encountered a Raccoon Yokai named Bunbuku Tanuki surveying his fallen comrades. As they proceeded deeper, they discovered several Raccoon Yokai collapsed on the ground. Upon entering the Spiritwilds, the traveler was disturbed to see that a battle had taken place there, with weapons stuck to the trees in the forest. The traveler agreed to help gather the Five Elements and set off for Racoon Hill in the Spiritwilds. She told the traveler that Daidarabotchi had ordered her to start by gathering the Fire Element, which was in the care of the Raccoon Yokai.

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Kino explained that the Five Elements were pieces of the spirit of Zipangu, each watched over by a Guardian. However, she told them that the great Daidarabotchi had recently answered her prayers by revealing that her sister could be healed by gathering the Five Elements: Fire, Metal, Water, Earth, and Wood. When the traveler asked if she could be brought to a doctor, Kino explained that there was no medicine that could help her, as she had a blood disease. Though her health had always been poor, which had caused her to keep to the inside of the Mushroom Shrine, her health had lately worsened, making leading her daily life difficult. A traveler was called to the Mushroom Shrine by Kino Konoko, who explained that her younger sister was sick.

Maple maze cleaner